Table of Contents
Getting Started
Gobblin provides ready to use adapters for converting data in Avro to ORC. This page describes the steps to setup such a job.
Note: The job requires Avro data to be registered in Hive.
- Gobblin Avro to ORC job leverages Hive for the conversion. Meaning, Gobblin does not read the Avro data record by record and convert each one of them to ORC, instead Gobblin executes hive queries to perform the conversion. This means that Avro data MUST be registred in hive for the converison to be possible. Below is a sample query.
Example Conversion DDL
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE db_name_orc.table_orc
PARTITION (year='2016')
... (more columns to select)
FROM db_name_avro.table_avro WHERE year='2016';
- Since Hive takes care of scaling the number of mappers/reducers required to perform the conversion, Gobblin does not run this job in MR mode. It runs in standalone mode.
- Each workunit converts a hive partition or a hive table (non partitioned tables).
- Each workunit/task executes one or more Hive DDLs.
- A gobblin task publishes data to a staging table first. The publisher moves data into the final table.
- The job supports schema evolution. Meaning any schema (compatible) changes on the Avro table are automatically made on the ORC table.
- By default publishing happens per dataset (dataset = table in this context). If a dataset fails, other datasets will still be published but the job will fail. The commit policy is configurable.
- Gobblin metrics is used to emit events when ORC data is published or when publish fails.
Job Constructs
Source and Extractor
Gobblin provides HiveSource
which is a generic source that connects to the hive metastore and creates WorkUnits
for any Hive Partitions
and Tables
whitelisted. The HiveConvertExtractor
is a Gobblin Extractor
to extracts work for Avro to ORC conversion.
The HiveSource
uses the HiveDatasetFinder
to find all hive tables and partitions that satisfy a whitelist. For each table/partition it creates a workunit is the updateTime
is greater than the lowWatermark
. By default a PartitionLevelWatermarker
is used. This watermarker tracks watermarks for every partition of the table. Gobblin also provides a TableLevelWatermarker
that keeps one watermark per table.
The HiveConvertExtractor
builds QueryBasedHiveConversionEntity
s. The extractor makes necessary calls to the Hive Metastore to get table/partition metadata. The metadata is then wrapped into a QueryBasedHiveConversionEntity
The converter builds the Hive DDLs/DMLs required to perform the Avro to ORC conversion. Gobblin supports conversion of Avro to both flattened ORC and nested ORC.
The abstract converter AbstractAvroToOrcConverter
builds DDLs/DMLs for any destination ORC format. Concrete subclass HiveAvroToFlattenedOrcConverter
provides the configurations required for Avro to flattened ORC conversion and HiveAvroToNestedOrcConverter
provides the configurations required for Avro to nested ORC conversion. In the job configurations, both converters can be chained to perform flattend and nested ORC conversion in the same job. Each converter can also be used independent of other.
The converter builds the following different DDLs/DMLs
- Create staging table DDL - ORC data is written to a staging table first. The publisher then publishes them to the final ORC table. These DDLs are to create the staging table. A staging table looks like
- Create staging partition DDL - Similar to staging table but for a partition
- Conversion staging DML - This is the DML to select rows from Avro source table and insert them into the ORC staging table
- Create final table DDL (Optional) - This is the final ORC destination table. Creates the destination table is it does not exist
- Evolve final table DDLs (Optional) - Populate the schema evolution queries if required
- Drop partitions if exist in final table - DDL to drop a partition on destination if it already exists.
- Create final partition DDL - Create the ORC partition
- Drop staging table DDL - Cleanup the staging table after data is published from staging to final tables
The writer in this context executes the Hive DDLs/DMLs generated by the converter. HiveQueryExecutionWriter
uses Hive JDBC connector to execute the DDLs. The DDLs write ORC data into staging tables. After the writer has completed HiveQueryExecutionWriter#write()
, ORC data will be available in the staging tables.
The publisher HiveConvertPublisher
executes hive DDLs to publish staging ORC tables to final ORC tables. The publisher also cleans up staging tables.
By default publishing happens per dataset (dataset = table in this context). If a dataset fails, other datasets will still be published but the job will fail. The commit policy is configurable.
Job Config Properties
These are some of the job config properties used by HiveAvroToOrcSource
and HiveConvertExtractor
Configuration key | Description | Example value |
hive.dataset.whitelist |
Avro hive databases, tables to be converted |
hive.dataset.blacklist | Avro hive databases, tables not to converted |
Same as hive.dataset.whitelist examples |
gobblin.runtime.root.dir |
Root dir for gobblin state store, staging, output etc. |
/jobs/user/avroToOrc |
hive.source.maximum.lookbackDays |
Partitions older than this value will not be processed. The default value is set to 3. So if an Avro partition older than 3 days gets modified, the job will not convert the new changes. |
3 |
hive.source.watermarker.class |
The type of watermark to use. Watermark can be per partition or per table. The default is | |
taskexecutor.threadpool.size |
Maximum number of parallel conversion hive queries to run. This is the standard gobblin property to control the number of parallel tasks (threads). This is set to a default of 50 because each task queries the hive metastore. So this property also limits the number of parallel metastore connections |
50 |
hive.conversion.avro.flattenedOrc.destination.dbName | Name of the ORC database |
$DB is the Avro database name. E.g. If avro database name is tracking, $DB will be resolved at runtime to tracking.
hive.conversion.avro.flattenedOrc.destination.tableName | Name of the ORC table |
$TABLE is the Avro table name. E.g. If avro table name is LogEvent, $TABLE will be resolved at runtime to LogEvent.
hive.conversion.avro.flattenedOrc.destination.dataPath | Location on HDFS where ORC data is published | /events_orc/$DB/$TABLE |
hive.conversion.avro.flattenedOrc.evolution.enabled | Decides if schema evolution is enabled | true/false |
hive.conversion.avro.flattenedOrc.hiveRuntime.* |
Additional hive properties to be set while executing the conversion DDL. Prefix any hive standard properties with this key | |
hive.conversion.avro.destinationFormats | A comma separated list of destination formats. Currently supports nestedOrc and flattenedOrc | flattenedOrc,nestedOrc |
Metrics and Events
SLA event is published every time an Avro partition/table is converted to ORC. Each SLA event has the following metadata.
## Publish timestamp
"timestamp" : "1470229945441",
"namespace" : "gobblin.hive.conversion",
"name" : "gobblin.hive.conversion.ConversionSuccessful",
"metadata" : {
## Azkaban metadata (If running on Azkaban)
"azkabanExecId": "880060",
"azkabanFlowId": "azkaban_flow_name",
"azkabanJobId": "azkaban_job_name",
"azkabanProjectName": "azkaban_project_name",
"jobId": "job_AvroToOrcConversion_1470227416023",
"jobName": "AvroToOrcConversion",
## Dataset and Partition metadata
"datasetUrn": "events@logevent",
"sourceDataLocation": "hdfs://<host>:<port>/events/LogEvent/2016/08/03/04",
"partition": "datepartition=2016-08-03-04",
"schemaEvolutionDDLNum": "0",
## Begin and End time metadata for each phase
"beginConversionDDLExecuteTime": "1470227453370",
"beginDDLBuildTime": "1470227452382",
"beginGetWorkunitsTime": "1470227428136",
"beginPublishDDLExecuteTime": "1470229944141",
"endConversionDDLExecuteTime": "1470227928486",
"endDDLBuildTime": "1470227452382",
"endPublishDDLExecuteTime": "1470229945440",
"originTimestamp": "1470227446703",
"previousPublishTs": "1470223843230",
"upstreamTimestamp": "1470226593984",
"workunitCreateTime": "1470227446703"
## Gobblin metrics metadata
"class": "",
"metricContextID": "20bfb2a2-0592-4f53-9259-c8ee125f90a8",
"metricContextName": "",
The diagram below describes timestamps captured in the SLA event.
Sample Job
# Avro hive databases and tables to convert
# Only flattened orc is enabled
# Avro table name _orc
# Same as Avro table name
# No host and port required. Hive starts an embedded hiveserver2
## Maximum lookback
## Gobblin standard properties ##
# Gobblin framework locations
# Metrics